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Monday, April 2, 2012

Binding: The Dos and Don'ts

Many transmen feel the need to bind their chests.
Binding can be a great way to flatten your chest; but it can also be a health risk. You need to be careful of the way you bind. If binding is done wrong, it can mess up your ribs.
- Use an ace bandage. It is too easy for you to make it too tight. It can move your ribs inward. It can bruise the tissue around your ribs. You could cause permanent damage to your sides. That permanent damage could make a surgeon not want to operate on your chest (if you plan on having that done). Ace bandages can often make it difficult to breathe. They are made to tighten with movement, so every time you breathe, it gets tighter. Ace bandages can also make bumps and roll up, making you look weird anyway.
- Bind your chest for more than eight hours. It can start restricting your breathing. You could possibly pass out or damage your ribcage badly. (even if you own an actual binder)
- Avoid sleeping in your binder at all costs. You can badly mess up your back.
- If you can afford it, buy a chest binder. They can flatten out your chest and are a lot safer than an ace bandage. Make sure you get the right size by measuring your chest. I will post links to great sites to get these at the bottom of this post.
- Not all people can afford a chest binder. There is a cheaper way to bind. It might not give you the best results, but it's better than nothing. You can get a sports bra a size smaller than you wear. Put that on with one in your size over the top. Wear an undershirt and the shirt you want to wear for that day over thebras. This might not work in the summer because it will be too hot. This probably won't work if you have a large chest either.
- If you feel the need to use that ace bandage, you need to be very careful. Don't bind everyday. Don't make it as tight as possible. Try to leave it a little loose so you can still breathe and move pretty easily.

So to sum everything up: Actual binders are the best option. They are the safest for you. They give you the best bind.
Be careful if you use ace bandages.
Sports bras can be a decent option.

If you have a large chest, I am very sorry. I have no idea what to tell you. Chest binders are still going to be your best option. I honestly don't know another safe way for you guys to bind.

Great Binders:

Underworks is probably the best site to get binders. Most people get them from there. When I get mine, I will show you some pictures.

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