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Monday, July 2, 2012


I will be listing some of the top surgeons for FTM surgeries. I'll say what they will perform (top, bottm, etc.) and contact info. I might add some pictures too. I'll tell what I have heard about each surgeon (if I have heard anything). I hope this list will help you.

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer, M.D.
Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery
12205-12207 Tullamore Rd.
Timonium, MD 21093
2 Colgate Dr.
Suite 101
Forest Hills, MD 21050

Ftm top surgery
I have seen a lot of her work in photo galleries. It seems to vary greatly. I have seen amazing/perfect surgeries, but I have also seen surgeries that I thought looked very poorly done. The best and worst surgery photos I have seen have come from her.

Dr. Yvon Menard, M.D.
Dr. Pierre Brassard, M.D.,
1003 East Boulevard St. Joseph, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H2J 1L2
Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty, Clitoral Freeing Procedures, Mastectomy

Daniel A. Medalie, MD
Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery
Metrohealth Medical Center
Case Western Reserve University


Dr. Raphael
1600 Coit St 105
Plano, Tx 75075

Ftm top surgery

John G. Gregory, MD, FACS
Deaconess Institute of Sexual Medicine
6125 Clayton Ave., #141
St. Louis, MO 63139

Eugene A. Schrang, M.D., S.C., Theda Clark Regional Medical Center
125 E. Forest Avenue
Neenah, WI 54956
Ftm top surgery

I was considering going there because it's pretty close to home and he seems pretty skilled.

Dr. Kenneth L. Stein
414 N. Orleans, Suite 209
Chicago, IL 60610

Dr. Alan N. Wilson
Detroit Medical Center,
573 Fisher Theater Building,

Detroit, MI 48202

Dr. Marci Bowers
406 First National Bank Building
Trinidad, CO 81082.

Ftm bottom and Mtf surgeries

Dr. Gary Alter
435 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 300
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210


Dr. RE Moulton-Barrett, MD
2070 Clinton Av, Alameda, CA 94611

Female to Male - Gender Reassignment Surgery

These are obviously not all of the surgeons available. I just wanted to give you some to start looking at and comparing.

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