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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Changing Your Name

There are certain organizations that you need to notify about a name change. Everyone who has to change their name (for whatever reason) has to notify the same groups.
A few you NEED to remember:
- Social Security
- Drivers License
- Passport
- Post Office
- Voter Registration
- Banks
- Credit Cards
- Doctors
- Insurance Companies
- State Tax Board
- Clubs
- Memberships
- Employer
- Retirement plans

Changing your name on your social security card is not legally changing your name. You need a court oreder name change.

Many organizations may have issues with you changing your name. It's your right to change your name so try to:
  1. Show documentation of your new name
  2. Discuss the state laws that support your name change in a non-confrontational manner
  3. Speak with someone who is in charge, like a supervisor
  4. A local official or state representative may be a successful last resort
Well there you have it. If you have questions about anything, make sure to ask them. You will save a lot of trouble if you ask the people at offices questions before you do anything. Use your head.

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