Most stores don't carry shoes smaller than a men's size 7. Trans guys tend to have smaller feet than bio males. So it's harder to find shoes. (I'm lucky because I have big feet. Size 9)
The internet is the best place for you to find smaller sizes. First, you should get your feet measured by a professional at a shoe store. If they don't have shoes in your size, go home and order some from online. If they have your size, you're a lucky duck and can choose to get a pair from the store or go home and order some.
Another issue can be helped/solved by shoes: height. You can get lifts for inside your shoes to give you a little more height. You could also get shoes with lifts made into them. The issue with shoes with lifts inside is that only that pair of shoes will add height, where as lifts can be moved from pair to pair. However, shoes with lifts already inside tend to be more comfortable and fit better.
I'm going to focus on the removable lifts because I find them to be a better option. I have a lot of shoes and would like to be taller in all of them. Lifts can be made of cork, plastic, or foam. They should be replaced every few months because of hygienic reasons. You might want to use lifts gradually so you don't get really tall really fast. Lifts can be uncomfortable and might not fit in smaller size shoes.
Obviously there are advantages and disadvantages to both lift options. I find the removable ones better, but that's just my opinion. I'm about 5'6" and would love a little extra height. And I want to be able to wear all my pairs of shoes.
Choose whatever option you like best. Maybe you don't need either because you're tall enough. I hope I helped at least a little.
Here are links to lifts:
I think the second link has better availible heights and also has sample packs with great deals.
And here are links to lifting shoes:
The last link has the most options.
Well, it is not necessary to accomplish hard tasks for this anyway, what the person needs to gain height is devotion of time on the activities that has to be done, determination, and a lively interest. shoe lifts